2010-02-27-Saturday - FTC State Championship - Charlottesville, Virginia
We were the Captain of the Winning Alliance at the Virginia FTC Championship. We won all of our qualifiers. We lost
one division final match, but won the next two matches and advanced to the overall finals. We won the first two
matches to earn an invitation to the World Championship in Atlanta!
Team 3749, Lambkin, was our finalist alliance mate. They were able to shoot into the high goal during autonomous
allowing us to collect fifteen balls from the near chute, shoot into the outside goal during the endgame, and were
able to successfully block our opponents. We enjoyed playing with them and hope to see them in Atlanta.
The following video shows our robot scoring seven balls into the high goal during autonomous in two seconds,
hoarding fifteen balls from a chute, and scoring in the outside goal over another robot.
The following picture was taken before the first match.
Our scout did a wonderful job scouting other teams. This information allowed us to select Team 3749 and the choice was
proven to be a good one. Having a cheerleader shouting for our team heped keep us positive during the. streesful
Our relatives, Teehe, Grandpa Algie, and Uncle Dale, from Bedford were able to attend the event. It meant a lot to the
kids having someone they loved watching them.
Before formal alliance selection, teams 3749 and 2843 agreed to be alliance partners.
Part of our alliance just after winning the competition.
Our alliance just after receiving the Winning Alliance award.
Our robot was damaged during one of the matches, so a few repairs are in order. We also plan refinement of some of
the systems for the Atlanta competition, so beware the Crusader (perhaps some more autonomous routines...twenty just
doesn't seem like enough).