Over the years, we’ve offered a home to some wonderful cat
Pippen and Durin were sister and brother. They came to live
with us before the children were born from a friend whose cat
had kittens. They seemed small as kittens, but grew to be
slightly larger than most cats. Durin liked to sleep in flower
pots, while Pippen preferred beds. Durin was king of the roost
and Pippen "mothered" everyone, both humans and cats.
Pippen was incredibly accurate
and fast when we rolled a ping-pong ball to her. She would also
carry tape rolls in her mouth and yowl at the same time. Durin
enjoyed roaming the yard and chasing small dogs; he was
larger than some of the neighborhood dogs. He trapped one
dog on our front porch and we had to rescue the dog from
him, so the dog could go home.
We adopted Loki (orange) and his
sister Vesta (black and white) 16
1/2 years ago. They had been left
along a roadside in a cardboard
box. David and I were somewhere
between Hollywood, Maryland
and Bedford, Virginia when I saw the box. A kitten
showed its head above the lid, so we stopped. Inside
were three kittens, Loki, Vesta, and Tatch.
Tatch was adopted by my parents, but we couldn't find homes
for Vesta and Loki and they became part of our family (two
adults, three other cats, and a baby on the way in a few
months). Vesta passed away in 2009. Loki passed away June
5th, 2010. He fought his ailment with an extraordinary
determination. We will miss them very much.
After a hurricane passed near our house, dropping trees
and scaring us to our basement, a small blue-eyed cat
appeared under our deck. After hanging near our house
for several weeks and daintily eating our neighbor's cat's
food, she was invited to stay with us. When she doesn't
want to be found, it takes a tremendous house-search to
find her.
A mangy cat with a damaged eye began eating our outside
catfood a couple of years after Isabelle arrived. After
scheduling a trip to the vet, he failed to show for several days!
When he did return, the vet removed the irreparable eye and
he began living with us. After a steady diet and Pippen cleaning
him, he has turned into a lovable handsome friend who visits
me every morning while I drink my coffee.
During one of our practice sessions in the living room,
Eliot and Thumper thought they could talk us into
traveling with us to the competition, if they traveled in car
Thumper was another
stray that we have grown to love. He was covered in motor oil
- which left stains on our garage door - when Erik found him
under the wheelbarrow in our back yard. We thought he was a
black kitten at first until Renee picked him up and felt the oil.
He was ravenous when we found him and after many, many
baths and a trip to the vet's office for antibiotics to prevent
wound infections, he slept in our bathroom for nearly three
weeks. He was weak and we thought that he would not
survive. After the first fearful weeks, his strength grew and he began playing with everyone.
Of course, not everyone enjoyed playing with him! The older ones didn't like his youthful
enthusiasm. Isabelle does not enjoy the company of any other cat very much. Eliot had
enjoyed being the youngest cat and didn't enjoy the competition. After things settled down,
Eliot and Thumper are now best friends.