We had a great time demonstrating FTC robots yesterday at the McDonogh School. We'd like to thank Teams
2843, 3113, 3583, 3796, 5178, 5421 and 8221 for bringing robots to show other students and to let other
students drive them. During the first part of the demonstration, the teams had a mock-competition. After
lunch, the teams invited event attendees to drive the robots.
Our team brought two push bots, whom we nicknamed PB (Push Bot) and J. They were able to push blocks and then
lift the blocks and place them into the crates. During the demonstration, the team modified the autonomous
program to drive onto the ramp. These Push Bots are easy for new teams to build and can be modified piece-meal
as teams gain confidence and skill.
The instructions to build the Push Bot are posted on the US FIRST website under FTC on the
Team Resources page.